OPTIONS is a not-for profit agency approved to support children, adults and seniors who have a wide range of disabilities. For over 35 years and in a partnership of support OPTIONS, individuals and their families work together to create individualized support models that enhance and fulfill hopes and dreams.     

OPTIONS is highly regarded in its commitment to excellence in its service delivery, staff retention and in the community relationships that have been developed.  

About Us

What We Stand for

OPTIONS was incorporated in August, 1986 to offer a new service choice for individuals and their families.  The dream was to create a leading edge organization that offers individuals new opportunities to learn and grow, to promote the acceptance of diversity in our communities, and to create an organization that upholds the rights of all people.


Early Years

Our History

  • The late 1970’s and early 1980’s was a time of significant and intense advocacy by individuals, families and the community to advance the belief that individuals with disabilities have the right and opportunity to have fulfilling and meaningful lives in the community. 

    Elaine Yost, OPTIONS founder, was very active in lobbying government for changes in the way services were being delivered. 

  • In 1985 a new support mechanism and policy called Individualized Funding was created within Social Services. An application for funding was made for Michael and was approved. Along with his roommate David their new home was established in 1986.

  • As the parent of a son with significant disabilities the motivation for Elaine Yost to seek change and offer alternative choices for individuals and their families was very strong.  As a result OPTIONS was created in August, 1986.

    The dream and goal was the urgent desire to offer new models of service for Michael and others where creative supports were developed around the individual.  As a parent you know the uniqueness of your child and your knowledge of what makes an excellent service has been well defined by the services that have been utilized up to now.  Respect, understanding, skills, creativity, knowledge and commitment by the people providing support is essential. 

    Another goal was to create a service choice for individuals and their families who wished to develop and initiate their own service model and who would remain active participants in decisions and service direction.

  • In December 1987 three families who had come together seeking supports for their children and with the support of OPTIONS and Services to Persons with Disabilities they opened their new home. The following year another home was created in the same manner. The individuals being served all had complex medical needs and required significant support. The new service model that was created gave hope to families and the disability community that by demonstrating a different service approach it would challenge a system that required new thinking. The belief that family involvement be supported and welcomed was innovative and many wonderful long term relationships have been developed.

From its inception OPTIONS staff and affiliates are driven by values that begin with the belief that people who are differently able have the right to have their own dreams and be supported to achieve them.  To be treated with respect and dignity, to have the right to make choices and the right to dignity of risk and the right to live, love and and contribute to the community are the foundational principles of OPTIONS services.   OPTIONS supports 10 homes, a vibrant and exciting Day Program and  over 160 Supportive Roommate matches.